Why choose a lime plaster?

Why choose a lime plaster?

Lime plasters, such as our RC Intralime range, are stronger than gypsum plasters and allow the surface to breathe, but gypsum plasters do not. Lime plasters are less affected by water and do not soften, dissolve or rot like gypsum plaster.
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Lime as an alternative to gypsum and cement

Lime plasters, such as our range RC Intralism, are stronger than gypsum plasters and allow the surface to breathe, gypsum plasters do not. Lime plasters are less affected by water and do not soften, do not dissolve or rot like gypsum plaster does.

Compared to cement, lime is strong but less hard, making it ideal for old surfaces. Where cement would destroy the surface, as it were, it is perfect to opt for a lime plaster in this case. In addition, unlike cement, a lime plaster is self-healing and to a certain extent elastic and thus allows small movements to be absorbed. Lime plasters are not sensitive to salt stress, while cement can break when in contact with salts.

Benefits of lime plasters

Sustainable and ecological

Lime is one of the most resistant, ecological and aesthetically attractive natural building materials. The surfaces of lime plasters and lime paints are substantially harder, more stable and more resistant to wear than gypsum plasters or cement plasters.

Resistant to mold and moisture

Lime has an impressive alkalinity of 13, which has a preventive effect against fungi, bacteria, microorganisms and moss growth. By using hydraulic lime as a binding agent, lime plaster is water-resistant, vapor-permeable and moisture-regulating and thus has a positive effect on moisture management. Thanks to its capillary system, it regulates the humidity in the room and improves the insulation value.

Mechanical strength

The mechanical characteristics of lime plasters are built up progressively: NHL lime reacts with water and then hardens under the influence of the air (carbonates). Settlements in the building are therefore better absorbed. Due to carbonation, the compressive strength, (bending) tensile strength and elasticity modulus increase, even up to a factor of 5 or more.

No additives required

No additives such as cement, pozzolans, binding retardants, bubble formers, etc., are required. By the way, these increase costs, lead to mistakes in dosages on site and sometimes create undesirable side effects in the long run.

Low density

Due to the high volume to weight ratio, less material is required per unit volume of mortar. On a 1:2.5 mixture, this means 320 kg of NHL 3.5 (400 litres) per m³ of sand. Also with RC Intraline G the use is low: approximately 11 kg/cm/m².

Lime: a versatile material

Lime plaster is a versatile plaster that can settle perfectly without further finishing, but allows further finishing. For example, you can paint on this plaster with our lime paint RC Calco or lime filler RC Calcoliss apply and then wallpaper and tile.

A lime plaster is also ideal as a surface for lime paint, lime finish and gloss plaster. A beautifully sponged or polished lime plaster such as our finishing plaster RC Intralism F can also be left that way.

Apply lime plaster

Lime plaster is typically applied to the surface in three layers. This is the most important condition for obtaining high quality results. The first layer, called turnip coating, improves the adhesion of the first layer to the base of the wall. The second layer with RC Intraline G is the ground layer: it is considered the main layer and has a thickness between 0.7 and 8 cm thick and must always be reinforced. The third layer, as a finishing coat, with RC Intralism F with a thickness of 1 to 4 mm serves to eliminate defects, smooth them out and obtain a flat surface.

Lime plaster as a restoration and renovation plaster

Lime plaster is considered to be the better restoration plaster because it leaves the wall vapour-open in contrast to when working with cement plaster. Lime plasters do not contain harmful materials such as cement or salt, which can promote efflorescence and cracks. In the event of wind or hair cracks, the lime plaster will repair itself.

Reynchemistry: expert in lime

Since its inception in 1988, Reynchemie has developed expertise in a variety of lime products. In addition to the exclusive distribution rights in the Benelux of the natural hydraulic lime from Saint-Astier Reynchemie also has its own lime-based products such as lime-based kalei (RC Kalei), lime filler based on air lime (RC Calcoliss 300), colored grout (RC Astivo), lime paint (RC Calco), remediating salt buffering mortar (RC Sanisel) and recently also 2 high-quality lime plasters: RC Intraline G & RC Intralism F. Watch here our full range of (lime) plasters.

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