Products for

Hydrofuges and anti-graffiti

A hydrofuge or façade impregnation creates a water resistant facade without changing the water vapour diffusion resistance. Our hydrofuges, a liquid or cream, are invisible after application and polymerization and leave the wall vapour-open, in other words, the surface continues to “breathe” perfectly.

A hydrofuge consists of solvent base (on dry surfaces only) or off water-based (on wet surfaces).

The efficiency, vapour permeability and durability over time are demonstrated in WTCB reports, which show that our hydrofuges achieve the highest score A. See below.

Purpose of hydrophobing is: make the façade water resistant, prevent excessive moisture, prevent frost damage, inhibit the growth of algae and fungi on the façade, improve insulation and protect against acid rain.

Reynchemie's hydrophobic products protect the façade at least 10 years. The surface can be treated again if necessary.