
Pont des Trous Tournai

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The Pont des Trous, an architectural gem from the Middle Ages, is one of Tournai's most notable sights. The project was carefully executed by the firm Galere from Chaudfontaine in the period from 2019 to 2023.

It includes the reconstruction of the arches and the repair of the masonry with a special mortar based on natural lime NHL5 Tradi 100 from Saint-Astier. Using Saint-Astier's NHL5 not only guarantees a solid construction, but also an authentic restoration that highlights the historic character of the bridge. This project not only illustrates the importance of preservation of monuments, but also the craftsmanship of the construction company involved.


Société Galère


Pont des Trous, Quai Donat Casterman 7500 Tournai

Pont des Trous Tournai
Pont des Trous, Quai Donat Casterman 7500 Tournai
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